Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The plan so far...

Not much rest to be had in the hospital as usual. Finally got to settle in around 3AM. She is trying to get some sleep this morning and they are trying not to bug her too much. The doctor came in a little after 9 this morning and said they should have most of the tests back by tomorrow. The chest X-ray they got last night was a bit hard to read because her synthetic hair was in the picture obscuring the top of her lungs. He said the bottom looked clear so just make sure they move her hair out of the way when they repeat it today. Hopefully there will be no signs of pneumonia. They took cultures to check for viral infections last night and because she is having chest pain they just did an EKG to make sure her heart is ok.

One of Maddy's main complaints is that she is in constant pain, in and around her chest. Her lungs feel like they are on fire, especially when she takes a deep breath. They can't give her any good pain meds until they rule out pneumonia and heart problems so she is in a waiting game for pain relief. Dr. Floreth saw her this morning and said as soon as he knows she doesn't have pneumonia he will write her some orders for better pain management. Which is a relief to Maddy because she was getting really frustrated as you can imagine.

I have to work today so I'm heading to the station in a little bit. I'll try to update again tonight if we have any more news to share.

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