Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pneumonia and high blood sugar

Here is the latest on Maddy. I will post a few quotes from her FB page.

Here is what Maddy had to say yesterday...


Update. He put me on tramadol and norco so I guess the X-ray came back clear idk for sure. The pain meds have made me feel 100x better. I think he understands unlike everyone else that my lungs are getting worse because I can't get rid of any of the rsv lung lining or anything else because I'm in to much pain to move, cough, or take a full breath. Finally someone gets it. Hopefully the rest of the tests come back clear and he just sends me home on steroids and some pain management so I can clear all this junk out and be active and eat normally again.

Here is what was up today...

the dr came in and said he was sorry none of the other drs have done anything about my pain for a month. That he can tell how much better I feel and that we need to get to the bottom of why the pain is here in the first place. That the X-ray showed pneumonia in my right lung again so they are doing a CT to see how much infection there is and to make sure there's no infection around my lung that could be pushing on it causing me more pain. Then obviously he will see what to do from there as far as keeping me here and antibiotics and everything. He even offered stronger pain meds I said I'm ok for now but at night I might need them since I woke up at 2am in pain and wasn't due for more meds until 4:30. He said just have the nurse page him and he will get me stronger ones if I need him. I love dr floreth he is the only one who listens.

The CT scan didn't happen today because they are so backed up. Hopefully they will be able to get her scan done tomorrow. The only other thing going on is high blood sugar from the steroids. Anytime Maddy is on high dose steroids she gets drug induced diabetes. She has needed insulin both yesterday and today. Today she had a big spike in her blood sugar and it took them forever to get her dosage information to her. Poor girl. The doctor said he will be weaning her back off the steroids as quickly as possible so it shouldn't last long.

That's about it. Hopefully we will have a solid plan of action after this CT scan comes back. We hope they get her better and out in time for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Maddy, I'm sorry you are in the hospital and having so much pain. I hope you feel better and that the doctors get to the root of the problem.
