Friday, June 20, 2014

Still fighting!


Maddy found out today that she has a bacterial infection as well. That means IV antibiotics to knock it out. So they will keep her in hospital for the weekend and into next week. Hopefully she will be able to do home IV's and not be stuck here the whole time.

She has not had a very good stay do far. These infections are kicking her butt pretty good. She is coughing lots, like pre-transplant amounts of coughing! Her O2 sats are down even when she is just sitting around. So she is on oxygen all the time now. All the coughing has given her a permanent headache, not to mention how much her body hurts from it all. She asked the doc if he would up her pain meds and he said no. In his defense I'm sure he doesn't want the meds to effect her breathing. She is having a tough enough time as it is.

The other bad thing is, as always, the food situation. Not only is the food crappy, they have not been very consistent getting her meals to her. When the ribavirin is going they put a big "NO ENTRY" sign on her door. Nobody has been following up to make sure she got her food after the treatment was done. And because of all the pain and lack of sleep she has been pretty out of it and didn't bug them about it either. By the time I got here today she didn't even really know what day it is. Poor kid.

She has perked up a little since I've been here. I talked to her nurse about the stuff and we should be back on track. She got a shower a few minutes ago and I think that made her feel a little more human. The last dose of ribavirin is tonight at 8PM, so that's a bonus! Patrick has been great and only left her side long enough to go pick up his paycheck today and bring her some dinner from Panera. He's a good egg! I'm glad Maddy is happy with him.

I don't have any pressing work over the weekend so I should be able to hang out here more and make sure everything goes smoothly. At the very least I'll be able to get her some good food more often. Thanks again for the prayers.

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